PSYB20H3 Final: B20 Final Lecture Notes

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17 Dec 2017

Document Summary

One of most influential developmental theorists of 20th century: observed children and noticed: children of the same age tended to get same answers wrong. More interactive learning, not passive sponged: infants have mental structures called schemes (organized patterns of sensorimotor functioning) Schemes get more sophisticated as motor capabilities advance: cognitive development = elaborating on cognitive structures. Born with basic schemes that are built upon through experience. Assimilation: incorporating new stimuli into existing schemes: i. e. mom and dad are primary caregivers but if auntie comes over to babysit, then baby assimilates auntie into caregiver scheme. Accommodation: modifying existing schemes to account for new experiences. If the kid doesn"t have enough experience with new stimuli in the environment, the theory says that the cognitive development won"t occur o o. Sensorimotor 0-2 years: understand the world through senses and motor actions, characteristic behaviours: