PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eleanor Rosch, White Coat, Social Cognition

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31 Oct 2013

Document Summary

The scientific study of how individuals feel, think and behave in a social context. Abcs of social psychology: affect thoughts, feelings and mood, behavior verbal and nonverbal action, cognition perception, sensation, thought, processing and memory. Interactionist perspective an emphasis on how both an individual"s personality and environmental characteristics influence behavior. Hypothesis a testable prediction about the conditions under which an event will occur. Theory - an organized set of principles used to explain observed phenomena. Dependent variable a factor that experimenters measure to see if it is affected by the independent variable. Independent variable a factor that experimenters manipulate to see if it affects the dependent variable. Basic research research designed to increase the understanding of human behavior, often by testing hypotheses based on theories. Applied research research designed to enlarge the understanding of naturally occurring events and to find solutions to practical problems. Operational definition the specific procedures for manipulating or measuring a conceptual variable.