PSYB10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Daniel Goleman, Condom, Attribution Bias

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17 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Social psychology: the scientific study of the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of individuals in social situations. Included stripping them and making them lie naked in the prison corridors. Explaining situations: social psychologists seek to understand how individuals act in relation to others in social situations and why. Abu ghraib -> anthropologists, criminologists, sociologists, and personality psychologists: each type of professional takes a difference approach to what happened and offers different kinds of explanations. However, personality psychologists would instead look at whether certain traits and dispositions for example sadism or hostility would predict cruel behavior across a range of situations. Social psychology -> related to cognitive psychology (the study of how people perceive, think about, and remember aspects of the world: cognitive psychologists would study categorization processes or memory for words or objects. Sociology -> the study of behavior of people in the aggregate.