PSYB04H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 63 pages long!)

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New year"s resolution e. g. eating healthier, developing better study habits, meditating. For each resolution, such as eating healthier, you would be doing lots of research on what kinds of food to eat, what kind of diet to follow, etc. It"s a problem when lots of info is available to you, such as friends, social media, websites, etc. because it"s hard to sort through all the info. Your intuition what seems to make sense, what you think will work. Bias blind spot bias against biases so it is a meta-bias; people think they are not a ected by bias and they don"t have any bias but this itself is a bias. Does that person have the expertise to give an opinion about the product/issue? their expertise could be in a di erent area and other people who know more about this product or issue might be more credible.