PSYA02H3 Study Guide - Twin, Gordon Allport, Psychoticism

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Personality: a particular pattern of behaviour and thinking prevailing across time and situations that differentiates one person from another. Had to do with predominance of the 4 humours in the body. Chloric increase of yellow bile tempered and irritable. melancholic increase of black bile gloomy and pessimistic. Phlematic increase of phlem sluggish and calm. Sanguine increase of blood cheerful and passionate. Personality types: different categories into which personality characteristics can be assigned based on factors such as developmental experiences o. The idea that people can be assigned to distinct categories is rejected today by most investigators. Personality trait: an enduring personality characteristic that reveals itself in a particular pattern of behaviour in a variety of situations. Looked for words in a dictionary that described personality o. Believe people with particular trait react similarly across situations because feel unique sense of similarity that guides feelings. Did factor analysis on allport and found 16 different personality traits.