PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nociception, Far-Sightedness, Proprioception

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Psychological science chapter 4: sensation and perception. 4. 1 sensation and perception at a glance: context plays an extremely important role in what people sense and perceive. For example, joshua bell, one of the world"s most talented violinists played at a subway station and very few people stopped to listen without realizing he is one of the best living violinists playing a . 5 million violin. Sensation is the process of detecting external events by sense organs and turning those events into neural signals. Perception involves attending to, organizing, and interpreting stimuli that we sense. Sensation gives way to the beginnings of perception when specialized sensory receptors structures that respond to external stimuli are stimulated. Sensory adaptation is the reduction of activity in sensory receptors with repeated exposure to a stimulus: sensations tend to become less intense even if the stimuli remain the same.