[PSYA01H3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (98 pages long!)

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Synesthesia: the perceptual experience of one sense that is evoked by another sense. Example: seeing a poster of jb makes me throw up (no offence to jb fans) 4. 1 our senses encode the information our brains perceive. Sensation is a simple stimulation of a sense organ. Basic regulation of light, sound, pressure, odor, or taste as parts of your body interact with the physical world. Perception takes place at the level of your brain: it is the organization, identification, and interpretation of a sensation in order to form a mental representation. As you are reading this message your eyeballs are registering different patterns of light reflecting off the page. The brain is integrating and processing that light information into the meaningful perception of words. Our senses depend on the process of transduction, which occurs when many sensors in the body convert physical signals from the environment into encoding neural signals sent to the central nervous system.