[POLC36H3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (40 pages long!)

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The employment relationship has three distinct legal regimes (work law divided into 3 regimes): common law, regulatory standards, and collective bargaining. Common law existed prior to the other 2 regimes. These regimes are not water part compartments. The common law regime is made up of both law of contracts and the law of torts. Reasonable notice considered most important right of protection of worker. Ex: paid maternity leave idea comes from canadian union postal workers 1981 strike. All employment relationships are contractual whether signed or not. Common law regime has two main components: 1) contracts 2) torts. Common law regime: judge based approach based on precedence (it"s case based) Precedent an earlier decision by a judges that dealt with same or similar legal issues. Stare decisis latin term meaning to stand by a previous decision . Contracts and torts there is very little legislations judges are interpreting judges can create torts.