PHLB09H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lifesaving, Slippery Slope, Secular Morality

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Induced abortions- the intentional abortion of pregnancy through drugs or surgery, commonly known as abortions. This type of abortion is the issue over which most of the ideological and juristically struggles are waged. Spontaneous abortions- abortion by natural causes such as injury or birth defect (miscarriage). Therapeutic abortion- abortion performed to preserve the life of the mother with most people believing this type of abortion is morally permissible. Quickening- after mother has felt fetal movement, most statues prevent abortion after quickening (old laws) Viability- meaningful benchmark is at the developmental stage at approximately 23-24 weeks when fetus is capable of surviving outside uterus. *describe two moral facts on which opposing sides to the abortion debate agree and the non-moral fact on which they disagree. All sides agree on these moral facts: murder is wrong, persons have a right to life, personal freedom should not be curtailed except for very important reasons.