PHLA11H3 Final: Final Exam Study Guide

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20 Jun 2011

Document Summary

Philosophy finals: thrasymachus begins his conversation with socrates by offering a definition of justice. Thrasymachus defines justice as the advantage of the stronger or more powerful. This is a highly skeptical view of morality and justice for 2 reasons: The claim that justice refers to a set of arbitrary man-made rules that a ruler has made-up and that others must follow. The claim that these rules were designed merely with the aim of the ruler"s advantage in mind. Socrates uses analogy to argue against thrasymachus" definition. An analogy is a comparison of 2 similar objects, suggesting that if they are alike in certain respects, they will be like in other ways as well. The analogy used by socrates is of a physician. A physician does many things such as healing wounds and asking patients for money. But, asking for money is not what being a physician is about. It is not part of the art of medicine.