MGTA35H3 : Ch7 iSpeak - review.docx

46 views2 pages
6 Oct 2014

Document Summary

- develop your message first, and then revise your words for delivery. Build good delivery on a foundation of the basics. Advantages continuous eye contact. bodily movements and gestures are freer. searching your memory instead of your notes or manuscript. Disadvantages little or no adaptation during delivery. Recovery is more difficult if you make a mistake the presentation sometimes sounds memorized. Advantages prevents slips of the tongue, poor wording, and distortion boost the confidence of beginning presenters. Disadvantages reduce eye contact also hinders audience adaptation fewer gestures: vocal variety may be lacking as well. The pacing of the presentation may be too rapid or too slow sound inappropriate because written style is markedly different from spoken style. Disadvantages: not suitable if the presenter must be careful with every word. Advantages reveals your skill in unplanned circumstances provides you with opportunities to think on your feet, to be spontaneous. Disadvantages: may not suitable sometimes, such as interview, selling products.