MGHC02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Skills, Lowkey, Negative Feedback

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Self-esteem career outcome (job satisfaction & performance evaluation: attitudes toward authority career outcomes (supervisors" ratings of satisfactions) Self-control career outcomes, project integrity & implicit leadership theory (successful managers) Social skills (put oneself in the place of another person and try to understand what the person expects in an interaction) Self-monitoring (incorporate information about other person"s expectations in one"s subsequent behavior) Self-control (stay focused on the other person"s expectation) Personality: a person"s tendency toward thinking, behaving and feeling in consistent ways across different types of situations and across time. Imaginative, creative people, intellectually curious, appreciative of art, sensitive to beauty, more aware of their feelings, think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. Facets: imagination, artistic interests, emotionality, adventurousness, intellect, liberalism. Conscientiousness : control, regulate, and direct our impulses, avoid trouble and achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. Positively regarded as intelligent and reliable; however, some known as compulsive perfectionists & workaholics.