MDSB61H3 Final: MDSB61 study guide (52 pages)

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12 Oct 2018

Document Summary

)e will lose three classes this semester due to holiday this semester. )aitlist: the top 5 people will be accommodated. Syllabus: social issues involved in new media, no textbook - all readings will be posted on blackboard, grading: Midterm: may change if a lecture is needed due to the loss of lectures [25%] - june 18th. Attendance / participation: )ill be counted by the weekly qui es that are emailed to the professor [10%} Final exam [25%: sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. 2 course themes: new media have improved life (cid:840)techno-optimism(cid:841, new media introduce problems (cid:840)techno-pessimism(cid:841) - privacy issues. )hat do we think of when we think of the internet: global connectedness. I can send an email to someone in the other side of the world without going to the post office. Ex: after september 11th, the stock of gold and silver went up, and technology went down: social and informational economy.