[MDSA01H3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (12 pages long!)

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Communication is central to human social and cultural activity: at the basis of human social interaction, is an act of communication. Communication technology as central to the cultural, political and economic organization of society. Ha(cid:374)(cid:374)o(cid:374) (cid:449)ea(cid:448)er"s (cid:373)athe(cid:373)ati(cid:272)al (cid:373)odel of (cid:272)o(cid:373)(cid:373)u(cid:374)i(cid:272)atio(cid:374) it is a model of understanding how communication takes place: message 2, the message that was sent is not the same as the message that was received. E. g. telephones are prone to adding noise and sounds get lost. Does not consider the social context of communication. Their way of thinking was heavily influenced by an emerging in science of cybernetic. They were just taking themselves for granted and the way they think about communication as being the way everybody thinks about communication. Social variables (language, culture, individual traits) influence the way. The (cid:373)ore (cid:449)e started to u(cid:374)pa(cid:272)k the assu(cid:373)ptio(cid:374)s i(cid:374) ha(cid:374)(cid:374)o(cid:374) wea(cid:448)er"s a(cid:374)d lass(cid:449)ell"s models, the more it became apparent that social context matters.