[MDSA01H3] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (50 pages long)

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Week 2 - september 13 th , 2016. Communication is central to human social and cultural activity: constantly engaging in an act of communication, how we organize ourselves as social beings (e. g. , students, institutions). Communication technology as central to the cultural, political, and economic organization of society. Communication and the idea of the shrinking globe. : different than past generations, the flexibility of time and space. E. g. , how long does it take to get from toronto to new york. Distance in terms of time (dependent on how we travel) The means of transportation is different from past generations. Takes less time to travel the same distance: want to interrogate these transformations. Influential model of understanding how communication takes place. Begin with a simple model and collapse multiple models on top. Doesn"t consider (take for granted) the social context of communication. Social variables (language, culture, individual traits) influence the way communication takes place. Social models of communication: an encoding context.