LINB06H3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Document Summary

What is syntax: is the study of sentence structure. Syntactic categories: words belong to these categories; also known as parts of speech. This is divided into 2 sub-categories: lexical categories (major), nouns (n, verbs (v, adjectives (a, adverbs (adv, prepositions (p, functional categories (minor), determiners (d, pronouns (pro, tense/aux (t, conjunctions/complementizer (c, negation (n) For example, un- in: suffixes: an affix that attaches to the end of a word. For example, -ed in the the word untamed . word liked : affixes are of two types, derivational affixes: changes a word from one category into another category. For example, run = a verb -er in runner = a noun: makes new categories of words, inflectional affixes: does not make new categories, but instead adds an affix to an existing word. For example, -s attaches to books to form. Books which is also a noun: syntactic distribution: where the word occurs in a sentence.