IDSA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Canadian International Development Agency, Niall Ferguson, Civil Society

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To predict/explain & approve or disapprove with evidence. Reduces complexity so we can understand a topic better. Development required the transition from traditional to modern societies. Traditional: agriculture production, primitive, low technology, based on religious beleifs. Modern technology: industrial, high technology & national identity. Modernization required a process of stages or steps. Rostow"s 5 stages: traditional society > pre-take off (investment) > take off (high mass consumption) > all states will go through these stages eventually. The closer to 100 the more inequitable a region is. And further from 100 makes it equitable. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way on a quiet day, i can hear her breathing search up. Global north: political power, strong countries of the north (europe, americas etc) Global south: colonialized countries and countries that are basically living within more poverty. Discourse: a word that can be represented by a picture.