HLTD04H3 Study Guide - Participant Observation

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In both, the researcher is immersed in a group of people for an extended period of time, observing behavior, listening to what is said in conversations, and asking questions. Most important and most difficult steps in ethnography is gaining access to the social settings one wants to research. Closed settings generally include organization of various kinds, such as firms, schools, cults, and social movements. Open does not necessarily mean east access to people and can include libraries, parks, and sidewalks. Easy way to gain access is through a covert role (not disclosing that you are a researcher) Retrospective ethnography involves using observations that were gathered before one decided to do a study. Preferred choice is an overt role because practical and ethical considerations. Moral universalism is a view that ethical precepts should never be broken. It is rarely adhered to and is difficult if not impossible to conduct research without committing at least a minor ethical violation.