HLTA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Paul J. Crutzen

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Egocentric thought (lazy thinking: doesn"t consider the rights and needs of others, or their point of view - self-centred, it"s true because i believe it is true - need to open your mind to being challenged. Health sciences - discipline-based: disciplines that are based on occupations (nursing, pharmacy), disciplines based on clinical specialities (geriatrics, paediatrics), disciplines based on basic sciences (genetics) Health studies - multi-dimensional: focus on health and well-being but both are broadly de ned, causes of health and problems comes down to many factors; broad eld of inquiry. Informed by the critical social science perspective that considers the following: Social and cultural construction of health and health care. Ideologies and principles that underpin health and health care. Di ering terms: disciplines - branches of knowledge, typically ones studied in higher ed, disciplinarity - refers to ways di erent disciplines can come together and collaborate for research purposes, paradigms - worldviews.