HLTA02H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Health Belief Model, Biomedical Model

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Medicine robs us of our potential to cope, resilience. Focus on what facilities health, not just causes of disease. Readings: warwick-booth et al. , 2012: chapter 2; naidoo & wills, chapter 1. Cultures & meanings of health: exploring the contributions of social. Health & society: exploring the contributions of sociology. & patient: components, exempt from performance of social obligations, not to blame for their condition. Aboriginals: descent traced back to intermarriages b/w first nations & european heritage, inuit, distinct group of aboriginals living in northern canada, i. e. nunavut, northwest territories, northern quebec & northern labrador, colonialism, acquiring full or partial political control. A critical introduction to (health) behaviour change models. 19: motivation theory, trans-theoretical or stages of change model, health action model, critiques of (health) psychology, critical (health) psychology: three critical phases (rejection of reification, consensuality & subjectivism, justice and fairness) Health promotion: conceptual and ethical issues - on.