EESA10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Environmental Hazard, Environmental Health, Environmental Factor

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Introduction understanding the health effects of environmental hazards. Ex: cold air, oxygen, water, food, soil, indoor air vs outdoor air, class, what surrounds you that impacts your body (physical or mental health) Your environment is your health (but it"s not the only factor influencing your health: other things that influence your health = genetics. The scope of environmental health: boundaries are not sharp, not directly studied under the environmental health cap. Core concerns of environmental health: focus on chemical, biological, physical hazards. Industrialization: humans didn"t leave the footprint before the discovery of the fire but then after the discovery of fire and industrial revolution, the planet could cope . But since industrial revolution, things became bad (needs to be better and faster: overpopulation and overconsumption, more people on the planet (more foods are required, chemicals, landfill are increasing) Health effects of pollution: pollution effects every part of the human body (respiratory, cardiovascular, gastroenteric, cancer, nausea, skin)