EESA10H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Indoor Air Quality, Air Pollution, Volatile Organic Compound

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Document Summary

In its broadest sense, environmental health comprises those aspects of human health, disease and injuries that are determined or influenced by factors in the environment. This includes the study of both the direct pathological effects of various: chemical, physical, social environment (housing, urban development, land use and transportation) Environment is everything that affect a living organism, Effect of environment on human health is so great, Human alteration of earth is substantial and growing, Protecting the environment has been a mainstay of public health practices since 1878, Environmental factors responsible for 25 % of all preventable diseases, Diarrhea and respiratory infections heading in the list, Rich & poor, *african americans & hispanic & whites, Chemical hazards (chemicals in air, water, soil and food) Biological hazards (bacteria, viruses, parasites, allergens, animals such as bees and poisonous snakes) Cultural (social) hazards (unsafe working conditions, poor diet, drugs, drinking, driving, poverty) Physical hazards (radiation, fire, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, and earthquake)