EESA06H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Geothermal Gradient, Gravimeter, Magnetotellurics

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4 Dec 2017

Document Summary

The temperature below which a material becomes magnetized. Rate of temperature increase associated with increasing depth beneath the surface of the earth (normally about. An instrument that measures the gravitational attraction between the earth and a mass within the instrument. Gradual loss of hear (per unit of surface area) from the. The balance or equilibrium between adjacent blocks of crust resting on a plastic mantle. Concept of vertical movement of sections of the earth"s crust to achieve balance or equilibrium. An area where the strength of the magnetic field is greatest and where the magnetic lines of force appear to leave or enter the earth. A new geophysical approach being used in remote regions of the canadian artic to investigate and map structures within the underlying crust and mantle. The boundary separating the crust from the mantle beneath it. High gravity values measured over an area underlain by denser rocks than those of the surrounding region (eg. a granite pluton)