BIOB51H3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Furin, Mutation, E-Selectin

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Mutation is a copying error that causes a change in the chemical letter that make up our genes. Justify your answer in one or two sentences: mutati ons arecaused by selective pressure in the environment. False, mutations are not caused by selective pressure in the environment. Although mutations can help in pressured environments, the mutation itself is caused be an error in the copying of the genetic code. Justify your answer in one or two sentences: the sa memutation could be advantageous in some environments but deleterious in others. True, the same mutation could be advantageous in some environments but deleterious in others. For example, the white pocket mouse has a mutation that causes it fur to become darker. This dark fur can be advantageousin an environment with moulted rocks since the fur can be use to blend in with the surrounding rocks to avoid predators.