[BIOB34H3] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Emergent properties: properties of tissues, organs, or whole animals that will never be predicable from mere knowledge of molecules and cells because the properties emerge only when cells are assembled into interactively functioning sets. Distribution of electrons in a molecule is the property that determines whether the molecule is polar or nonpolar. Polar molecules: have electrons that unevenly distributed, thus some regions that are relatively negative and others that are relatively positive. Nonpolar molecules: have electrons that are evenly distributed, thus no charge imbalances between different molecular regions. Phospholipids: lipids that contain phosphate groups; principal constituents of the matrix in which proteins are embedded in cell and intracellular membranes; are amphipathic. Amphipathic: each molecule consists of a polar part and a nonpolar part. Membrane phospholipid consists of polar head (composed of a phosphate and a choline group) and 2 nonpolar tails (composed of long-chain hydrocarbon derived from a fatty acid)