[BIOB11H3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (31 pages long!)

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An overview of the most important milestones and early discoveries on the nature of the gene: Today, in 2017, many genomes; the entire dna content of organisms are completely sequenced: this is where bioinformatics and computational genomics come in. Discovery of discrete units of inheritance; mendel"s pea plants. Most organisms are diploid; contain two copies of each gene. An allele is an alternative form of the same gene: there are dominant alleles as well as recessive. A genotype is the genetic composition of the organism. Mendel used seven traits to establish the basis of heredity including: height, seed colour, seed shape, etc. He used pea plants with complete flowers (containing both male and female reproductive structures) Pollen is released into the air by anthers (also can get into your respiratory tract and give you problems if you are allergic to pollen ok) and undergoes meiosis and mitosis.