ASTA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Exoplanet, Nuclear Fission, Meteoroid

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9 Feb 2018

Document Summary

3 3: comparison of star brightness, volume of sphere: = 4, density: = 3 , m = apparent magnitude, i = flux: 1 2= 2. 5 10(cid:4666) 1. 2= 10 0. 4(cid:4666) 1 2(cid:4667: m = absolute magnitude, d = distance in parsecs: = 5 10(cid:4666) (cid:4667) 5, speed of object in circular orbit: = 2 , kepler"s 3rd law: 2= . (cid:4667)2 to 2= 4 2: cooling rate: . 2(cid:4667)3: comparison of planet mass: (cid:4666) 1, angular size: Rv method: the exoplanet pulls on the star and the two bodies orbit around their common centre-of-mass. Measuring the doppler shift of the starlight as it wobbles back-and-forth tells us about the presence of a companion causing the star to wobble. Transit method: as the exoplanet"s orbit takes it between the star and the observer, the exoplanet"s shadow causes the star to appear dimmer during the transit event. Physical processes can shape a planet"s surface: impact cratering, erosion, plate tectonics, volcanism.