ANTC61H3 Final: Lecture 13 + Final Exam Study Notes

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How can anthropology complement other organizations, ngos, medical schools, business. Stacey leigh re-creates current asymmetries of power. Dynamic of scwyfd power differentials, how power structured the interactions. Power of biomedical imaginary, power of that imaginary linked assumptions of what biomedicine can do to address and solve problem, the very def"n and form of solution, implicitly creates uneven power relations. Her concern, working within the system a-ist, can bring change enough change so that everything remains the same. Reliance on ideologies of bm, individualize how is this problem a symptom of social relations ex: poverty, how does it shape and create problems. critics of applied anthro how is it implemented in relations of technology. what people were complementing, not enough need to think out side the box of development discourse. neoliberal discourses on health care delivery on markets (phc non-state sectors) Primary care available through ngos or states - leads to leaching of local helps.