ANTA02H3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sociocultural Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, Moral Relativism

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Document Summary

Armchair anthropology was anthropology where no broad research was done. Conclusions were drawn form guesses based on western societies and not wider societies or communities. In the 20th century mainstream anthropology moved away from a vision of itself as a science in the tradition of the physical sciences and adopted a more interpretive, humanistic approach. Participating in the life and culture of the people one is studying to gain a true insiders perspective on their customs and behaviours, while simultaneously observing them as a detached, objective scientist. The description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. Ethnography is subjective, but its true that an outsider can determine the. A goal to do emic mostly but also maintain etic. If loose sight about how people feel about things, lost how things o o o. Ethnography about writing culture o matter- how it matters.