ANTA01H3 Study Guide - Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, Stone Age

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19 Oct 2013

Document Summary

It is a four field: archaeology, biological (evolutionary) anthropology, social/ cultural, and linguistics. Biological anthropology know these images of ancestral. Bog bodies: a type of mummification that makes the body like leather. Paleoanthropology: looking at fossil species of our ancestors flourisiencis is another species that lived at the same time. We didn"t evolve from apes, we are apes. Through the ability of language is how we developed culture and culture is what makes us unique. Know archeological methods and how to identify environment. Know the 3 main features that differential us from other apes: first we became bipedal(3and 6 million yrs ago), then we began to use tools (which allowed access to protein) which increased brain size. What it means to be a homo sapien (culture) This class is about human origins: in the past there was mostly religious ideas about god.