[WGS200Y5] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (33 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Gender, race sexuality are impacted by colonialism, intersectionality. Both gender and sex are constructed in way in which it"s constructed in the society, the way people are socialized according to the biological sex assigned at birth. Sex and gender are also fluid: sex doesn"t determine how one experience desire, our body is constructed in a particular way to identify with sex: penis and vagina, shape our desires accordingly. Socialization place a really important role in terms of how to fix our desires: desire is also structured how gender and sex is structured. Male and female gender dichotomy is also structured in a particular way. Fluidity in terms of people live their lives and they understand sex and sexuality. There can be particular ways the society can be polished in terms of males and females. A way to reveal women"s ability to be equal, women empowerment.