[SOC359H5] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (76 pages long!)

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Lecture 2: the social construction of gender and. Objectives: review habitus, trans language, gender/race in work, intersectionality, social construction of race/gender. Class habitus: theoretical notion that ties structure like gender to individual agents. Example: she"s all that, my fair lady. Way of speaking linked to class: uptick and vocal fry: feminized way of speaking. Vocalization and singing: singing can be compared to speech if one were to dichotomize the two. One requires training, one is more natural Argument is that song in comparison to speech is a feminized act. Denigration of masculinity as a male singer. Takes years to train, gendered practice penetrating body with norms of society. Girls are told to speak and sing after puberty as if nothing has changed. Infantilization of women as girls is continued in this practice of vocalization. Boys are taught to negotiate changes, in a different range of vocalization. Boys becoming men should negotiate their place in society as adults.