SOC317H5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mcdonald'S, Shake Shack, Ray Oldenburg

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Shopping has changed with capitalism: there are multiple meanings and motivations, we struggle to combine equality and hierarchy with pleasure and rationality. Omnivores, we have lots of choices on what to eat and sometimes it is hard to decide. It is now the most recognizable brand in the world: it is a symbol of american globalization, today more and more people are eating at fancier places like. Triggered by conspicuous consumption, changes trend and lower class people begin to spend more also. Shack shake changed expectations on how much a burger should cost. Mcdonaldization: by sociologist george ritzer, pioneered system of institutionalized production, focused on weber"s iron cage concept, rules became like a prison, 5 features: efficiency, calculability, predictability, control and irrationality of rationality (produce long-term irrationalities like human health) Social elites are seen as having good taste. Types of capital: economic, culture, knowledge that gives you social advantage.