SOC317H5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Killing Us Softly, Paul Virilio, African-American Music

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Significance of cell phone: highly individualized, smart phones can have various cases and various different apps used, expressed identity through commodity purchases, phones can now text, play music, take pictures, etc. Cell phones and social networks: we use phones to connect with others, cellphones embody and allow multiple social networks (twitter, Facebook, etc. : apple, apple presents itself as a revolutionary company, they advertise to think difference and give us empowerment. Paradox of phones: new technology pull us together but also drive us apart, distract us from important issues but provide tools to create a collective mobilization, offer new opportunities but create new problems. Also having meaningful connections, social capitals can be used for economic gain. Virtual communities can offer support: alienation, social networks are shallow and relationships are superficial. Number of close friends reduced by 33% Race and beauty: racial minority is systemically annihilated (low minority appear in high fashion, dominant eurocentric beauty ideals, skin whitening becomes popular.