SOC310H5 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Youth Criminal Justice Act, Juvenile Delinquency, Risk Society

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Understanding risk in the context of the youth criminal justice act (ycja) maurutto & moffat. Over the past 5 years, 9 of canada"s 13 jurisdictions have adopted the use of risk assessments for the preparation of youth pre-sentencing reports (psr). Fewer empirical studies of how risk frameworks (re)shape and (re)organize local institutional decision-making practices or of what the social-political effects of these processes are. The psr is prepared by a probation officer to assist in determining sentencing outcomes. Silver & miller (2002) suggests that the use of actuarial tools in sentencing could amount to. Statistical justice wherein dispositions are determined on the basis of how closely an offender matches an actuarial profile. This is an important question because many risk indicators are associated with socioeconomic marginalization. Canadian studies in the 1970s and 1980s found that psrs do influence the nature and conditions imposed during sentencing: 80% correlation between psr recommendations and dispositions.