SOC275H5 Study Guide - Gender Pay Gap, Sex Segregation, The Home Depot

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The labour market is a complex market having both positive and negative attributes. Gender discrimination is very popular among the workplace, two types being wage gap, and sex segregation. Wage gap is the wage difference between men and women, women always earning less than men. Sociologists argue there are three main causes for the existence of wage gaps within the labour market: women"s unequal responsibility for parenting, discrimination, and sex segregation (kimmel and holler 2008). Both men and women enter the labour force and start off at similar wages however, as women continue their careers they tend to acquire fewer years of full-time work experience and shorter job ownership due to their family responsibilities. This has an impact on women"s wages and plays a role in the existing wage gap. Women are by nature seen to be caretakers and have the family responsibility pushed upon them by society.