SOC232H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Improv Everywhere, Thick Description, Douche

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23 Jan 2014

Document Summary

We do this to figure out what people are doing, defining the mundane, looking at the everyday and seeing what"s hidden that we take for granted and that we do every day almost unconsciously. A theory is looking at persistent principles, looking at ideas that are relevant from one context to another The 18th century was a turbulent time, many new schools of thought were coming into the scene. We had descartes ( i think therefore i know ), locke, etc. We think, so we have agency, so we can shape the world. Hmm: theory develops with the traditional to the modern and we needed to figure out the changes that came with the. The world caught itself up in a big hurry; economy changed, travel changed, work went from shop to factory, new classes had emerged, and so social order had also changed.