SOC221H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Joseph Goebbels, Fallacy, Social Inequality

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16 Nov 2015

Document Summary

Sociology of a science has existed in most societies is inevitable (argument by authority) A harvard study has found that women who shop are happier; shopping is an independent cause of happiness. It is about wealth + income: causal observation (systemic evidence is not sought, knowledge is untested) Making generalized statements on observations that are not tested: selective observation (evidence is sought to prove a point or a preconceived idea, but not systemically or exhaustively) Looking for evidence that supports point + disprove opposition: premature closure of inquiry (inference from one example, failure to seek contrary evidence, halo-effect (overall positive or negative evaluation of a phenomenon colors all its characteristics. Joseph goebels was a devoted husband + father he must have been coerced or forced into nazism. If people think you"re a good/bad person, they"ll see everything you do as good/bad: overgeneralization (reference from a few cases to a group)