SOC221H5 Study Guide - Cohort Study, Longitudinal Study, Operationalization

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27 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Social research: a process in which a researcher combines a set of principles, outlooks, and ideas with a collection of specific practices, techniques, and strategies to produce knowledge. Overgeneralization: an error that people often make when using personal experience as an alternative to science for acquiring knowledge. It occurs when some evidence supports a belief, but a person falsely assumes that it applies to many other situations too. Selective observation: the tendency to take notice of certain people or events based on past experience of attitudes. Premature closure: an error that is often made when using personal experience as an alternative to science for acquiring knowledge. It occurs when a person feels he or she has the answers and does not need to listen, seek information, or raise questions any longer. Data: are the empirical evidence or information that one gathers carefully according to rules and procedures. Quantitative data: information in the form of numbers.