SOC221H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Null Hypothesis, Theoretical Definition, Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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17 Jun 2013

Document Summary

Reading # 2 - chapter 5 designing a study. Grounded theory: qualitative researcher develops theory during the data - collection process, inductive method means that theory is built from data or grounded in data. Reading # 3 - chapter 6 qualitative and quantitative measurement. Quantative and qualitative measurement quantitative researchers think about variables and convert them into specific actions during a planning stage that occurs before and is separate from gathering or analyzing data qualitative measurement occurs in the data collection process. Low internal such error are likely: external validity the ability to generalize findings from a specific setting and small group to a broad range of settings and people. High external validity means that the results can be generalized to many situations and many groups of people. Low external validity means that the results apply only to a very specific setting: statistical validity means that the correct statistical procedure is chosen and its.