[SOC221H5] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (32 pages long!)

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Authority: doctors say that vaccinations are safe and that they are rigorously tested before they are administered. Tradition: vaccines have been around since the 18th century and have served to eradicate many devastating diseases. Common sense: pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money on developing vaccines, so they must be safe. Media myth: i heard a celebrity say that some vaccines are dangerous. Newspapers suggest that many other people may feel the same way. Personal experience: my mother had me and my siblings vaccinated, and we are all fine. Scientific: the study linking mmr to autism has been retracted due to it being severely flawed, and several other studies have since shown absolutely no linkage between the vaccine and developing autism. By doing research, all the established procedures remove bias and see the true data for what it is. Focus question: a research question that moves the discipline forward and/or asks a socially-important question.