SOC208H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peanut Butter, Historical Cost, Manifest And Latent Functions And Dysfunctions

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Offences committed by workers of companies, organizations, or industries. Offenses that tend to involve the entire company or industry. Overlaps with wcc but main difference is that cc = entire company / wcc = one or two people. Similar to wcc b/c happens in the same realm = businesses. Crime benefits investors or individuals in high positions. Sutherland thought this was interesting b/c it is different from street crime / street crime thought to be motivated by financial need but wcc/cc breaks this notion. Reframe formerly deviant acts as being normal or non-deviant. Tends to lead to decisions that are unintended yet harmful. Acts such as money laundering, drug cartels, prostitution. Can be done by groups such as mobs or mafia. Official definition = group of 3 or more people with the main purpose to commit criminal activities. Definition: social structures created by individuals to support the collaborative pursuit of specified goals.