RLG205H5 Final: [RLG205H5] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

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September 13 - lecture 2 text avail through the library download pdf version or read online religion in india > chapter 2 > uft catalogue search the hindu world. Risk of speakers of info aryan language, sanskrit in north india. Those who do not know sanskrit are known as lecha (those who speak gibberish) Aryans are known as the noble ones, nomadic warriors, highly skills metal smiths (made metals, spears). also rode chariots (known as rath ) Vedas veda = knowledge each of the 4 books of the vedas are the property of a different set of ritual specialists sound is essential the sruti text - the nature of these texts. Text is memorized veda text are memorized by perhaps every other syllable or memorize text. Composed in sanskrit topics range from prayers and invocations to various deities, insights into vedic rituals. Loka = universe > divided into 3 parts (sky, earth and lower atmosphere)