RLG204H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fiqh, Furu Language, Sadaqah

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12 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Shari"a: a path or an approach to a watering place - the laws prescribed, directly or indirectly by god. The totality of the law that allah is said to have devised so that human may order and regulate his or her life. To understand how practical laws can be derived from the main sources of law. Two principal components in fiqh: furu al-fiqh: the branches of understanding, ibadat: or acts of worship, muamalat: transactions, usul al-fiqh: the roots of understanding: the values of law. Sources of islamic law: the quran, the sunna of the prophet. 3) the ijma (consensus) of the community or the scholars rulings. 4) qiyas: analogical reasoning: "islam does not have the doctrine of the original sin". Discuss: moreover,the quran declares that god created human beings in the best of molds or stature (95:4) to be his representative on earth, therefore, in contrast to christianity, there is no original human sin in islam.