RLG101H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rites, Liminality, Carl Jung

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Visual culture: perception: relation between eye and the mind, memory: how we see is dependent on our own personal culture environment and history, also the history of the visual media being looked at. Wolfgang iser (1980) calls the interaction between text and reader". The focus is not only on the reader (rather than the author), but also on how the relationship between the two is mediated. Wolfgang iser (1980) suggests that texts produce readings: narrative structures and other poetic/structural devices make the reader interpret the text in certain ways. All rituals are about expression power relations , and individuals participating in a ritual help legitimize the power relations within it. Theory 1: scholars of religion should make sacred texts their primary focus of study (nye 2008, Theory 2: that reality does not exist without language and language controls how we understand reality. (nye 2008, 159) We experience reality which is mediated through language.