PSY397H5- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Study guide: memory is only a small part of neuronal plasticity, examples of neuronal plasticity outside of memory. In this course synaptic plasticity is the only going to be talked about in the hippocampus: but it also happens in other areas of the brain. Neuroplasticity: an examination of experimental findings and theory documenting the plasticity of the brain and its relationship to behaviour. The course emphasizes the molecular and neurobiological mechanisms of memory including synaptic plasticity and gene regulation in relation to learning. What is the primary function of the nervous system: to enable the organism to appropriately responds to changes in the environment, the knee jerk reflex is very unchangeable but other reflexes are much more adaptable to change. Responding to environmental stimuli allows the organism to: find food, find water, find partners for reproduction, avoid danger (predators, toxins & other hazards, and in general to seek out optimal environmental conditions.