PSY395H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prolactin, Ketone, Dwarfism

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What is an ailiaion: is a social behaviour that brings animals together in non-hosile ways that involves the same hormones as in aggression. Describe an example of an ailiaion and what does it mean: vampire bats usually acive in day ime by themselves, but live in colonies at night. Need lots of blood so it can be diicult for ofspring to sustain their lives. The vampire bats also pro"v starving members of the colony blood and can survive another. This means that their social behaviour likely evolved from parental behaviours. If this behaviour come from parening, the hormones must also be the same oxytocin. What are the major diferences b/w prairie and meadow voles: prairie are social, monogamous, and pair bond for life. Meadow voles are solitary, polygamous, and no paternal behaviour. What are the diferences b/w meadow voles: it is a preference to stay in close, physical proximity with partner which is permanent.