PSY352H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Synaptic Vesicle, Optimal Foraging Theory, Net Energy Gain

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13 Dec 2013

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Explain the three types of selection forces we discussed? (5 marks) Directional selection: occurs when a certain extreme trait becomes much more adaptive and beneficial to species survival Stabilizing selection: would occur when neither extreme of the trait is beneficial but the normal or middle variation of the trait is. -or --on the basis of darwinian theory, do you. 1 think that appearance of species was just a lucky coincidence or was it inevitable that homo sapiens have evolved? (3 marks) Evolution is change in allele frequencies from generation to generation. It doesn"t work toward a specific direction species must move, it"s completely random. Mutation ( genetic variation) is the basis of variability upon which natural slection works. However, species if able to adapt to the environment and reach their reproductive age, will survive. There have been trillions of accidental events that led to the existence of all current life on the planet.