PSY346H5 Study Guide - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Personal Construct Theory, Gestalt Therapy

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Document Summary

Psychoanalytic; dream analysis; free association; structure of personality; stages of development; defense mechanisms. Left frontal lobe; if broca"s is broken, no words are spoken. Native theorist; inherent existence of sets of cognitive structures. Railroad spike; damaged limbic sys, emotions/motivational control center. Social-learning theory; people are not consistent (look at past performance) Examined moral differences between boys and girls based on social rules and on ethic of caring and responsibility. Stages of death (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) Changes in facial expression brings about emotion like changes in the body. Cognitive dev. based on zone of proximal development. Gestalt: emphasizes the organization process in behavior; focuses on problem of perception. Psychoanalytic: people are driven by instincts, largely sexual. Behaviorist: behavior is personality; determined by history of reinforcement. Humanistic: people are inherently good, society ruins them, people strive to satisfy a hierarchy of motives toward self-actualization.