PSY311H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Attribution Bias, Parenting Styles

212 views9 pages
10 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Interaction in which very young children are doing the same thing, often side by side, but are not engaged with each other. The tendency of very young children to believe that television images are as real as real-life people and objects. Behaviour in which a person is hurt or injured by someone who is motivated by a desire to achieve a specific goal: early starters: A tendency to interpret neutral or ambiguous social behavior of another person as being hostile. When the children are presented with a new set of social cues, their response depends on how they process the cue. Aggressive children interpret the cue as intentional and threatening. They have hostile attribution bias: a tendency to interpret neutral or ambiguous social behaviour of another person as being hostile: horizontal relationship: Horizontal relationships are b/w people of the same age: passive prevention: Policies effecting the safety of social environments for parents: